Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Right Direction

Good morning! The weather this week has been incredible. It's a great day to be at work--in fact, every day is a great day to be at work when you love what you do. I've been working (feverishly) on my top three imperatives and have been making some headway. It's exciting to see the effort unfold into change and progress. Everyone has been asking how the new job is going. I must say that sometimes I feel guilty for having so much fun at work. I love the creative side of my job, and how it ties into the operational side. For example--finding a company who will manage promotional products, set up a website for ordering and manage the budgets of 5 different branch offices for those products not only streamlines things from my end, but helps us reign in the budget. And the website management is free. I must admit that not all of what I do has an operational benefit though. The other day I put the cover art together for our new employee benefits guide. Although I'm sure the employees will benefit from the book, my artwork just makes it look a little better.

I spoke yesterday with Cameron Avery, CEO of Elastic Digital. I was considering engaging them on a grid campaign--something I've seen before with the big tech companies (VMware, NetApp, EMC). It's a fantastic tool, but I think it's a bit out of our 'medium business budget' reach for now. Cameron did, however, share some fantastic insights and tricks of the trade. I hope to be able to work with this spunky Aussie again sometime soon.

Although it continues to FEEL like we're headed in the right direction, it will sure be nice to see the first fruits of our marketing focus.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are loving it. You need to get back on and post another update! Luv ya, S
